
来源:互联网   发布日期:2016-01-19 11:27:06   浏览:2275次  

导读:Android数据库在实际应用中占据着重要的角色。我们会通过本文给出的一段代码示例来对此进行详细的解读,方便大家学习。在手机系统领域中,谷歌的Android操作系统算 是一个新起之秀。但是其优秀的性能以及开源性 ...


在手机系统领域中,谷歌的Android操作系统算 是一个新起之秀。但是其优秀的性能以及开源性,使其一经推出就伸手广大用户的好评。在这里我们可以从Android数据库的相关操作来体验这一系统给我们 带来的好处。

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考虑创建一个数据库适配器,来添加一个与数据库交互的包装层。它应该提供直观的、强类型的方法,如添加、删除和更新项目。数据库适配器还应该处理查 询和对创建、打开和关闭数据库的包装。


下面的代码片段显示了一个标准数据库适配器类的框架。它包括一个SQLiteOpenHelper类的扩展类,用于简化打开、创建和更新 Android数据库。

import android.content.Context;

import android.database.*;

import android.database.sqlite.*;

import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory;

import android.util.Log;

public class MyDBAdapter


private static final String DATABASE_NAME =myDatabase.db ;

private static final String DATABASE_TABLE =mainTable ;

private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;

// The index (key) column name for use in where clauses.

public static final String KEY_ID= _id ;

// The name and column index of each column in your database.

public static final String KEY_NAME= name ;

public static final int NAME_COLUMN = 1;

// TODO: Create public field for each column in your table.

// SQL Statement to create a new database.

private static final String DATABASE_CREATE =create table+

DATABASE_TABLE +(+ KEY_ID +integer primary key autoincrement,+

KEY_NAME +text not null); ;

// Variable to hold the database instance

private SQLiteDatabase db;

// Context of the application using the database.

private final Context context;

// Database open/upgrade helpe

private myDbHelper dbHelper;

public MyDBAdapter(Context _context) {

context = _context;

dbHelper = new myDbHelper(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);


public MyDBAdapter open() throws SQLException {

db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();

return this;


public void close() {



public long insertEntry(MyObject _myObject) {

ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();

// TODO fill in ContentValues to represent the new row

return db.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, contentValues);


public boolean removeEntry(long _rowIndex) {

return db.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_ID +=+ _rowIndex, null) > 0;


public Cursor getAllEntries () {

return db.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ID, KEY_NAME},

null, null, null, null, null);


public MyObject getEntry(long _rowIndex) {

MyObject objectInstance = new MyObject();

// TODO Return a cursor to a row from the database and

// use the values to populate an instance of MyObject

return objectInstance;


public int updateEntry(long _rowIndex, MyObject _myObject) {

String where = KEY_ID +=+ _rowIndex;

ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();

// TODO fill in the ContentValue based on the new object

return db.update(DATABASE_TABLE, contentValues, where, null);


private static class myDbHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper


public myDbHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory,

int version) {

super(context, name, factory, version);


// Called when no database exists in

// disk and the helper class needs

// to create a new one.


public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase _db) {



// Called when there is a database version mismatch meaning that

// the version of the database on disk needs to be upgraded to

// the current version.


public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase _db, int _oldVersion,

int _newVersion) {

// Log the version upgrade.

Log.w( TaskDBAdapter ,Upgrading from version+

_oldVersion +to+ _newVersion +

, which will destroy all old data );

// Upgrade the existing database to conform to the new version.

// Multiple previous versions can be handled by comparing

// _oldVersion and _newVersion values.

// The simplest case is to drop the old table and create a

// new one.


// Create a new one.








相关热词: Android数据库 工作方式



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